Custom Built Floating Frames


In my artistic journey, I have discovered a profound connection between photography and the craft of woodworking. With each project, I strive to create something truly exceptional, a harmonious union of two distinct art forms. Drawing on my knowledge and talent in woodworking, I embark on a journey of crafting floating frames that transform the viewing experience of each photograph. These frames are not mere enclosures; they are an integral part of the art, designed to enhance and elevate the visual impact of the image they hold.

By developing these floating frames, I seek to blur the line between the photographic subject and its surroundings. The result is a captivating optical illusion, where the picture appears to defy gravity and float within the frame. This approach adds depth and intrigue to the viewing experience, making the photograph a dynamic focal point in any space. The final result is a frame that doesn't just house the photograph; it becomes an integral part of the storytelling process.

My goal as an artist is to engage the viewer In each of my creations, I aim to demonstrate the boundless possibilities of creative expression through the fusion of photography and woodworking. I want to invite them to explore the intricate dance between the two, appreciating how the frame can both highlight and obscure, drawing the eye to unexpected details within the image.